Be a Goal-Getter – How To Set Goals and Accomplish Them


I’m a very goal-oriented person. I like accomplishing things. I mean I can’t be the only one who enjoys checking a task off my to-do list, right? For me, setting goals is just a part of life; it’s how you push yourself to grow and to achieve what you want most out of life. And sometimes it’s just a way to motivate you to get the house cleaned in a day. Either way you put it, knowing how to set goals and accomplish them is an everyday skill you need to know how to do.

Figure Out Your “Want” and Your “Why”

The first step is to write it ALL down. You can’t just leave this all floating around in your head, it needs to be on paper, your notes app, chisel it into slab of marble, doesn’t matter. We’re going to start at the beginning, what do you want? What is your goal? And, the bigger question, why? Why do you want it? Be honest and list every “why” that you have. This way, if you’re ever feeling stuck and need a reminder you can come back and read it. This is also a great way to help you review old goals and decide if you’re “why” is still relevant. Does it still matter?

Keep in mind, when setting your goal/s, to set a realistic/reachable goal, and by that, I mean start small. You want to go to the moon? Cool! But maybe let’s start with, go to school to be an astronaut. You’ve got to walk before you can… take a rocket to space. If your goal is too big, break it down into smaller goals or steps and start with the first step. Accomplishing your first step should naturally lead you into your next step and so on, until your big goal has been achieved.

Write Out Your Plan

Your next step is to write your plan. How will you accomplish your goal? What steps do you need to take to get closer to achieving your goal? Once your plan is written down, you’ll have a clearer picture of how you will reach your ultimate goal. Create a timeline with check points and mini goals. Write it all down (or put it in a vision board) and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.

Next you’ll want to set a realistic date to accomplish your goal by. To do this you don’t want to simply guess and say, “1 year from now, I will blah blah blah.” Because you have a plan, you know how you’ll succeed, now it’s time to create a timeline to keep yourself accountable. Start with step 1, when should this step be completed? Move to step 2 and so on until you’ve reached the end, and there is the realistic date you plan to reach your goal by. And if a step takes a longer or shorter amount of time than you planned for, that’s ok! Readjust your plan as needed, just keep moving forward.

Tips & Tricks To Keep Going

Setting a goal and making a plan is the easy part, working towards that goal step by step until you achieve it is the hard part, the part where you have to do the hard work. But I have tips and tricks for you to make it a little easier.

Motivation is Key

Find your motivators. When you’re having trouble being disciplined you’ll need to find a way to motivate yourself to work hard. So what motivates you? What makes you want to work harder? Is it treating yourself to a new outfit? Taking yourself on a trip (change of scenery, change of mindset)? Getting yourself a gourmet cupcake? Whatever it is that motivates you, write it down, so that when you need to, you can motivate yourself to get the work done. Just make sure what motivates you doesn’t take you backwards.

Your Tribe Will Help You Vibe

Put together a support group. Make sure this group consists of people who really care about you and supporting your dreams. People that will be ready to pick you up when you fall down or give you a pep talk when you start to think “I can’t do it.” You want this group to be positive and encouraging but also not yes-men. They should respect you enough to come to you with concerns they have and you should be open and ready to have a discussion about this. This support group is also a great group to use to when you’re stuck and you need help or ideas.

Track the Data

Track your progress and check-in with yourself often. Are you on track? Do you need to adjust the steps in your plan or your timeline? Be honest with yourself, are you slacking and not doing the work or does the plan really need to be readjusted? If you’re slacking, find out why. Maybe it’s time to dive into some motivators? Maybe it’s time to revisit your “why”? Does the goal still matter to you?

Celebrate How Far You’ve Come

Celebrate the little wins and reward yourself for hitting your ultimate goal. If it motivates you to hit your goal faster, decide on that reward beforehand and work towards it. Just make sure your reward isn’t something that will set you back from your goal. If your goal is to save money don’t pick a monetary reward; chose a reward that will still help you reach your goal. For instance, if your goal is to run a 5k, or something else physical, your reward could be a massage. It’s important to look back, see how far you’ve come, and be proud of yourself.

What Are You Waiting For?

Now it’s time to Mulan this thing and get down to business. What are your goals? What and do you want to accomplish? Do you have any tips for accomplishing the goals you set? What hasn’t worked for you? Share in the comments below!

About The Author

Morgan Sky

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