My Meditation, Manifestation, High Vibration Journey–And Why It’s Life-Changing

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Mental Health Awareness

There has been a lot of talk on mental health in the last few years, escalated even further by the onset of the Pandemic and having to quarantine. Some employers are giving mental health days, there are more books than ever before on caring for your mental health, and even the Apple Watch added a button (Reflect) to help you practice mindfulness, along with their “Breathe” button. Unlike generations before us we’re encouraged to be checking in our our friends and family and their mental health. We’re encouraged to share our thoughts and feelings and to be unashamed when we need help or aren’t feeling our best.

It’s as if, mental health dropped from the sky one day and we suddenly realized it’s importance. You can’t give your best, in any aspect of your life, if you aren’t feeling your best. It starts with caring for your mind, body, and soul. It’s easy to care for your body: eat nourishing foods, exercise, shower and it’s easy to care for your soul: read, listen to music, take a walk outside. But the mind can be harder to master.

The Holy Trinity

Controlling your buzzing brain is the key to great mental health. When you learn to release control over what you don’t actually have control over and focus your mind on what you want and what you can control, you’ve mastered your mind. And how can this be done? With what I like to call, The Holy Trinity.

It started with reading Good Vibes Good Life, that’s when my interest in the holy trinity started (the holy trinity is a combination of meditation, manifestation, and high vibrations. I like to use the term “Holy Trinity” for this group of “tions” because it’s fitting AND it is spiritual.) From there I started seeing some or all of the Holy Trinity in every self-help book I was reading, Atomic Habits, You Are A Badass, and so on. So I thought, There’s got to be something to this. Finally, after 8 months and a few good tries, I am a few months into this spiritual journey AND I BELIEVE. 

How It Works

Meditation is Key

Of course I am still very early into this journey but I know there are bigger and better things to gain. However, this isn’t easy, it does take work. Meditation can be difficult. Sitting doing nothing is hard Morgan? Really? Hear me out, it’s not just sitting, doing nothing. Meditating is about clearing your mind and focusing all your energy on breathing. I’m still struggling to keep my mind clear. Whenever I notice my mind wandering, I shake the thoughts out of my head, literally, and I bring my attention back to my breathing. For 10-15 minutes a day, I meditate on my meditation pillow and although I haven’t mastered it, it’s already benefiting my mental health.

Raising Your Vibration

Meditation helps with raising your vibration. And why do you want to raise your vibration you ask? Because when you’re vibrating at a higher frequency you’re more in tune with the universe and you’re attracting additional high vibrations and good energy. You end up attracting better opportunities into your life.

Manifesting Your Goals

Manifesting forces you to focus on the things you want and brings them to the front of your mind so you’re constantly thinking about them. But manifesting isn’t like magic; because you’re constantly aware of your goals, you’re always working towards them, even subconsciously. With manifesting you should have clear intentions and goals and instead of saying you want to be something or have something, you say “I am” or “I have”. You essentially make yourself believe you are already have what you want and eventually you will have it.

The Benefits I’ve Already Seen

Three weeks in and I started to see some of the things I’ve been manifesting, come to me. One night, while meditating, I focused my intentions on money. I recited affirmations in my head regarding money, I tried manifesting more money, I chanted “money flows to me” and “I will have more money”. I wasn’t thinking much of it, I don’t even think I went into my meditation with the intent to focus on money. However, I was struggling to get my mind to focus on my breathing so I decided to focus it on money. The next day, I noticed my commission report from work was ready. I clicked on it and had to do several double takes to make sure I was reading it right. I was looking at my largest commission check, ever.

More recently, I saw what I had manifested and set my intentions on immediately after meditating. Early one morning before work, I needed to get my mind straight and in working order. I’ve had a lot of trouble focusing lately and it was particularly bad that morning. My fairy lights were turned on in my office and I decided to meditate there, but with my back to my computer. I popped in my air pods, selected a sound bath mix on Apple Music, and set my timer for 10 minutes. Immediately I was having trouble focusing on my breathing, my mind was thinking about work. So instead of fighting it, I leaned into it, I set my intentions to have a great day. I started with reciting affirmations: “I have everything I need to make today great” “amazing things will come to me at work today.” Then I focused on manifesting more leads, bringing in more money, making more sales. When the timer buzzed, I went to my desk and sitting in my inbox, delivered a few minutes ago, was an inbound web lead. 

Looking Ahead

With that, I’m feeling more connected to the Universe and I feel like I’m actually raising my vibration. There is a sense of accomplishment that I have started seeing benefits from this practice. And I love that I can notice the improvements I’ve made in just these few months. It gives me motivation to continue and gets me excited about what could come. 

I’ll continue to track my meditation, manifestation, high vibration journey and share the additional benefits that come with it. Do you meditate, manifest, and practice raising your vibration as well? What benefits have you noticed? Are there cons? Share your story in the comments.

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About The Author

Morgan Sky

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